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How to Buy Gold Bars

There are some factors to consider when researching and understanding how to buy gold bars.
Before buying gold bars, you should consider:
1. The various sizes of gold bars.
2. Where to buy gold bars.
3. The liquidity facility and brand recognition.

I. The different sizes of gold bars

Gold bars are of different sizes and weight ranges. As small as sold per gram, per ounce per kilo, or even 400 ounces bars.
To determine what size is the gold bar that you can buy depends on several factors, including your budget, your goals per ounce, the objectives of liquidity, which is recognized brand, etc.
In general, the larger the gold bar, the less you will pay for premium for each ounce of gold. This is due to the fact that it is less expensive and laborious to produce a gold bar of 1 Kilo compared with a small gold bar 1 ounce.