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Gold Trading in Forex

Forex trading choose to speculate on the value of gold is by far the best way to capitalize on the current rise in prices. In fact, most Forex dealers said a number of proposed operations, including obviously the gold commodities. To know precisely how gold speculation in the Forex works, we give some explanations and some tips.

Forex: What is it?
At first, the Forex is the market where world currencies are exchanged. Speculating on Forex amounts to anticipate the rise of one or more types of change, ie, currency values ​​together.
For some years, brokers that offer the possibility for individuals to access the foreign exchange market are becoming more numerous. Therefore, these broker-dealers have been able to develop its offer of speculation, and allow henceforth operate in other markets such as the CFD or commodity.

What is gold speculation in the Forex?
Gold Trading in the Forex simply buy virtually equivalent gold at a certain price waiting again to sell later at a higher price.
You can choose to save their open positions while prices have not reached the level that you expect to make profits, invest or stop and limit orders at high and low levels not want to overcome. These orders then held in place purchase or sale of virtual gold without you having to remain attentive to the evolution of contributions.
Then your profit is the difference between the price at which you bought gold and the price at which it sells.
Clearly, as 4XP Forex broker for you have made your transaction is paid to buy gold making slightly above the market price and reselling slightly below the market price. The difference thus found is called "spread" and indicates completely transparent online brokers. Moreover, this solution is much cheaper than if it passes by a banker or a brokerage.

How start trading gold in the Forex?
For release in gold speculation in the Forex, simply open an account at one of the many stock market participants. You are simply asked to fill out a registration form, and then depositing a first amount of money in your trading account.
But before playing with your money, some of these brokers give you the chance to try gold speculation using a free demo account. Thus, you can test the speculation in real conditions without the risk of losing the least penny.
Another advantageous feature of gold speculation in the Forex is that you can benefit from a leverage effect. This leverage effect equivalent to fictitiously multiply the amount invested by a given coefficient. Thus, their earnings are more interesting and faster. *
Once you are ready to speculate, you should expect the best time to act, it is time that the contributions are as low as possible, and then retain its open position until the price of gold has reached a sufficiently high level to provide benefits important. At that very moment, and simply clicking on the "sell" button, liquidate their position and the amount corresponding to their equity in your trading account will be credited directly. Then you can withdraw it at any time to benefit or use it for other operations.