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Speculating gold thanks to binary options

Currently, gold speculation is itself an excellent way to make money investing money online thanks in particular to the global economic crisis that we suffer for several years. Indeed, the price of gold tends to rise in proportion to the fall of the economic and financial growth in countries like the United States and the Euro area. But there is a more effective way to make money with the precious yellow metal medium. This is speculation binary options. We will explain why and how to proceed:

Why it is economically interesting to speculate gold by binary options
Generally, commodities like gold, and even oil, natural gas and other precious metals like silver are excellent products speculation thanks to binary options. These various products are grouped in what is called comfort. In fact, these facilities have a certain advantage because they are extremely volatile and often offer a variation of major trading on a very short time. The very nature of these products is what allows them to offer significant gains at the time of resale.

Small history of gold price
Indeed, if the history of the prices of these commodities, like gold detail is observed, we realize that this volatility is on average of about 30%. Clear, this means that for a year, the prices of these commodities and, consequently, more specifically gold, vary on average 30%. Thus, we understand better why gold investing through binary options can prove to be a very profitable operation. Especially considering that recent years have shown a trend of further important contributions in relation to the yellow metal, and we attend a variation that reached up to 60% of its initial value.